Meet the SouthEast team

Committed to excellence


SouthEast Housing Cooperative is a not-for-profit organisation where members, as the key stakeholders, have ultimate control over the governance of the Cooperative. Under the rules of SouthEast’s Constitution, members entrust responsibility of the governance of the cooperative to the Board of Directors.

The Board of Directors have responsibility for governance matters and to govern responsibly in accordance with Cooperative’s policies and principles. The Board must represent the interest of members and consult with members on policy changes and significant governance matters. The Board must also ensure regular reporting to the members through various communication channels.

The Board of Directors delegate responsibility for the management of operational matters to the CEO who is accountable to the Board.

Executive Leadership Team

Board of Directors


Have a question for us?

We make every effort to answer any and all questions from our members and prospective members. Send us a note and we'll do our best to assist.

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